
As you can probably tell, I figured out how to replicate the basics of the Rain World aesthetic in the form of a webpage.
Although the adrenaline high is yet to be implimented, I hope you can find a way to customize and edit this template to a way that fits your memories of Rain World.

scavenger rain world graffiti
a cyan lizard from rain world spinning
a slugcat from rain world running and jumping
a white lizard from rain world changing colors

What's included

  • custom list stylization

  • containers that resemble rain world textboxes

  • overseer-style projection boxes

  • header font and body font stuffs

  • a cool background


What's yet to come

  • detail work on the overseer projections, opacity styling, and some other minor stuff

  • stylization of more elements

  • fixes of spacing and padding and stuff (so much stuff has to be fixed)

  • complete integration of modes and stuff (for disabled check boxes or whatever)

  • the actual making of this into a downloadable css library