Welcome to The Liquid Sunset Over Stone Project Site!


Main Page
Concept Art and Stuff
AU Thing

Mod Info (not a thing yet)

DISCLAIMER: This is not an official Rain World mod or project. I am not affiliated with Akupura Games or Videocult. This is not canon to Rain World.

Basic Overview

Liquid Sunset Over Stone (LSoS) takes place after Monk's campaign and before Rivulet. 3 new slugcats are added, The Aviator, The Collector, and The Jailbreaker.

The Aviator:

As a gliding slugcat, your journey starts in the heights of Industrial Complex. Your flight duration is determined by your weight, so strategic eating and item carrying is necessary.

The Collector:

An aquatic slugcat with a knack for item storage. Your journey begins in the tunnels of Garbage Wastes, where you may find treasures that others may not possess.

The Jailbreaker:

A clever slugcat with a dark past and a skill for making weapons. Unfolding in Chimney Canopy, sharpening rocks into shanks will be crucial to your strife-filled journey.

What is this?

This site is for documentation of a small Rain World fan project.
Honestly, its not much of a project as much as it is just concept art and doodles of silly guys made by my friends and I.

Aviator Collector Jailbreaker
Start Location: Industrial Complex Garbage Wastes Chimney Canopy
Start Karma (Max): 1(5) 3(5) 1(5)
Can Maul? Yes (bc sharp claws) Yes (bc clinically insane) No (bc rocc)
Food Needed (Max) 5(7) 4(6) 6(9)
Diet: Standard +
dead vultures (6)
and king vultures(7)
Standard Standard foods,
such as Batflies and Blue Fruit,
grant only 1/2 pip.
Can eat the corpse
of almost any creature,
including predators.
Starts With Mark?: No Yes No
Lung Capacity: 0.95x 6.80x Standard
Spear Damage: 1.2x Standard 1.25x
Speed: Standard 1.5x 1.25x
Mass: 0.95x Standard 1.12x
Rubbish Damage: Standard Standard 20x (equivalent of 2x
standard spear damage)
Storage: Vulture masks able to be
stored on head,
standard storage otherwise
Up to 8 items may be
held on body,
as well as a spear on the
back, plus all
standard storage options
Starting Items: King vulture mask 3 white pearls,
electric spear on back
1 in each hand/paw/whatever.
They are sharp.
They are deadly.


my youtube

other credits:

The css framework I used to make this! You should check it out. 98css is super cool.